Monday, December 19, 2011

Academic report on Drinking Water Treatment Plant Mnhakalchour,KTM

Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Science and Technology

Department of Microbiology

Bachelor’s Degree




                        DRINKING WATER TREATMENT PLANT

                              MANHAKALCHOUR, KATHMANDU



Submitted By

Ankit Belbase

Symbol No.:370461 ( B.Sc 3rd year )

Submitted to:

 Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus

 Department of Microbiology

    Ghantaghar, Kathmandu, Nepal


Tribhuvan University

Institude of science &Technology

   Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus

Department of Microbiology

Ghantaghar, Kathmandu


Ref No. :                                                                                                          Date ………………

Letter of recommendation

To whom it may concern

This is to recommend that the field Assessment report entitled “A Field Visit to Drinking Water Treatment Plant Manhakalchour, Kathmandu” is prepared as per the requirement for the completion of 3-years Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology. This Academic report has been prepared as per the work carried out under my guidance by Ankit Belbase. The work was based on the result of own observation and the secondary data collected by him. I recommend his work for approval.


                                                         Mrs. Lata Ghimire


                                                Department of Microbiology

                                                    Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus

                                                         Ghantaghar, Kathmandu 

Tribhuvan University

Institude of science &Technology

   Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus

Department of Microbiology

Ghantaghar, Kathmandu

                                                                                                                                                                             Ref No. :                                                                                                                        Date …………..

Letter of approval

To whom it may concern

This is to certify that Mr. Ankit Belbase a student of B.Sc. 3rd year (Microbiology) has successfully completed the field visit to Drinking Water Treatment Plant Manhakalchour Kathmandu, organized by the Department of Microbiology, Tri-chandra Multiple Campus and has submitted the report on “A Field Visit to Drinking Water Treatment Plant Manhakalchour, Kathmandu” has forwarded to the examination.

………………………                                                                   ……………………..

Mrs. Shova Shrestha

Head of Department                                                                      External Examiner

Department of Microbiology

Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus

Ghantaghar, Kathmandu


I feel immense pleasure in presenting this report on field visit on Drinking Water Treatment Plant Manhakalchour, Kathmandu. This will enable the students to know the real world of work. It helps the students to apply conceptual knowledge acquired in the classroom to the real practical life. It is a great pleasure of mine to express my feeling and experiences of report writing as partial fulfillment of the requirement of B.Sc. program. My days of devotion of this field report preparation has been remarkable.

At first I express my deep sense of gratitude to Mrs. Shova Shrestha the HOD of Tri-Chandra Multiple Campus for organizing the field visit program to the Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Kathmandu and for a great encouragement, motivation and suggestion during the planning and preparation of this report. I would also like to thanks my lecturers Mrs. Lata Ghimire for her support and company during the field visit.

Finally, I am personally obliged and highly grateful to Mr. Basant Kumar pal(Chemist of KUKL),all of my teacher and my friends Suman Ghimire,Krishus Nepal, Hemant Giri who has fully supported and encouraged me in preparing this report.

Thank you,

Ankit Belbase.


The main aim of the field visit to Drinking Water Treatment Plant Mahankalchaur, Kathmandu was to enhance the theoretical knowledge obtained in the college by observing the different procedures of the treatment plant. Different parts of the treatment plant were observed and the process was understood during the visit.

This report will provide help and guidance to most of the student of TU as well as those students having interest in this subject matter. In this report, all the necessary data and information have been presented in easy words and has been interpreted using various measures to make the study easier.

Table of Contents

Heading of topics                                                                                                Page No.     

Letter of Recommendation                                                                                          i

Letter of Approval                                                                                                       ii

Acknowledgement                                                                                                      iii

Abstract                                                                                                                        iv

Table of Content                                                                                                           v

List of Table                                                                                                                vii

List of Figure & Photographs                                                                                 vii

Abbreviation                                                                                                             viii


1.1     Introduction                                                                                                       1

         1.1.1 Background                                                                                              1

1.2     Objectives                                                                                                          1

1.3     Limitation                                                                                                           2


2.1     Methodology                                                                                                     3

           2.1.1   Study area                                                                                               3

           2.1.2    Data collection, processing and interpretation                                3

2.2     Observation                                                                                                       4

           2.1.1    Collection from source and storage                                                  5

           2.1.2    Aeration of raw water                                                                          5

           2.1.3    Sedimentation of water                                                                       6

           2.1.4    Coagulation                                                                                           6

           2.1.5    Filtration                                                                                                6

           2.1.6    Chlorination/Disinfection                                                                  7

           2.1.7    Storage and distribution                                                                      7


3.1     Result and discussion                                                                                       8


4.1     Conclusion                                                                                                         11

4.2     Recommendation                                                                                              11

REFERENCES                                                                                                          12    


           Photographs                                                                                                     13


List of Table:

No. of Table                           Heading of topics                                      Page No.

Table No. 1                    Microbiological Analysis of Water                            8

Table No. 2                    Chemical Analysis of Water                                        9

List of Figures:

No. of Figure                 Heading of topics                                                Page No.

Fig. No. 1             Process of water treatment plant.                                          6

Fig. No. 2             Mr. Basant Kumar Pal Explaining about                              13

Treatment Plant

Fig. No. 3             Collection dam at Sundarijal                                                 13

Fig. No. 4             Sedimentation Tank                                                               13

Fig. No. 5             Chlorination Tank                                                                 13


·       KUKL:- Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited.

·       MLD:-  Million Liter per day

·       KTM:-  Kathmandu


1.1           INTRODUCTION:


Kathmandu Upatyaka Khanepani Limited is a sole collector, processor and the distributor of drinking water which is run by the Government of Nepal. KUKL is a public company registered under the Nepal Government’s company Act 2063, with the objective to undertake and management of the water supply and sanitation system of the valley operated by Metropolitan office and provides quantitative, qualitative and reliable service to the consumer on their full satisfaction at affordable price. KUKL is responsible for operation and management of water and waste water  services in the valley.

Twenty seven treatment plants are exist out of which the large ones, Baude, Mahankal Chaur,Bansbari and Tahakhel are in satisfactory or good functional condition. The 22 smaller ones are in deficient functional condition and/or out of service. Of these, Bal Kumari, Jwagal and Sinamangal are now under rehabilitation. Only 13 treatment plants are have any disinfection plants (6 dosing pumps and 7 dripping).

One of the collector of raw water and processor and distributor branch office of KUKL is located in Mahankalchaur Kathmandu. It draws the water from Sundarijal source, the surface water and also it draws the water from different ground water source and process in the Mahankalchaur office and distributes to the city around the office.

1.2           OBJECTIVES:

Ø   To collect information about the processes used during treatment of different types of water.

Ø  To know about the application of HACCP during the treatment process.

Ø  To collect information about the waste management practices adopted by treatment plant.

Ø  To know the public response about the KUKL.


Ø Lack of sufficient time to explore the Treatment plant.

Ø Workers were not easily to interact about the plant and their waste management process.



While writing any kind of assignment different types of method are to be applying in particular subject. In the course of investigation various types of tools are used for better result so different measures are taken in this field visit. In this visit we follow the Direct Observation, and Interview method.

During the field visit all the description was given and the different work of KUKL was discussed in round table discussion which was presented by one of the member of the KUKL Mr. Basant Kumar pal(Chemist of KUKL). After discussion about the different aspect of the  treatment plant, the laboratories of different sub-department were observed.


Drinking Water Treatment Plant, Kathmandu was selected for environment microbiology. The field visit was conducted on 2068-08-09 to obtain the information on above objectives.


Field visit to the Treatment Plant and the surrounding areas of the site was carefully done. Treatment Plant workers were interviewed according to the schedule. Every phenomena and conditions was observed analytically. The Web site about the LUKL was surfed on the internet.


                                              Fig.1: Watre Treatment Process


Water found in nature is seldom, if ever all pure and free from danger for human consumption and most. Water requires treatment for the removal of germs of disease, solid impurities, taste, odour, colour, iron and mineral salts etc.

The main objective of water treatment is

  1. Free from disease producing organism.
  2. Free from dissolved poisonous chemical substances.
  3. Free from objectionable gases – but may contain good amount of dissolved oxygen.

The various processes involved in the purification of water are:


Water is collected from different sources as surface water and ground water. Storage tends to improve quality of water through sedimentation of silt and other suspended matter and by the oxidation of dissolved impurities. Colour and turbidity are reduced to a considerable extent and bacteria also disappear to as much as 90 to 95 %.


It is done by using compress air as shown in diagram from the bottom of the tank. it is done to remove bad odor, CO2 and also removes iron and manganese by precipitating then in the form of their respective hydroxides.


It is done by storing the aerated water in large tank for 10-14 days. During storage about 90% of suspended solids settle down within 24 hours and water become clear and clean. Certain heavier chemicals also settle down during storage.


Here, for coagulation of certain contaminated substance, certain precipitating agents like lime, soda ash or alum is added. Suspended materials present in water absorb to the surface of precipitate and settle down to the bottom. This method is mainly used to remove very high suspended materials that don’t settle by them during storage.

2.2.5 FILTRATION:    

The partially purified water from coagulation tank is then passed through same gravity filter where removes 98-99% bacteria and other impurities. The sand gravity filter consists of rectangular tank which contain.

                                                              i.      A top layer (1m thick) of fine sand.

                                                            ii.      Middle layer (0.3m-0.5m thick) of coarse sand.

                                                          iii.      A bottom layer (0.3m-0.5m thick) of gravel.

Two common types of filter used in water purification are;

a)      Biological or slow sand filter.

b)      Mechanical or rapid sand filter.


The filtered water is finally disinfected by chlorination that kills pathogenic microorganisms still present in water. It is very effective against the bacteria commonly associated with waterborne diseases, and control of algae and other plant life. Chlorine eliminates tastes and odor, improves coagulation, oxidizes iron and manganese and removes color.


In KUKL, water treatment plant there are two reservoirs tanks for the storage of treated water of capacity 40 lakhslit of each. A storage reservoir is built to collect water from filters and store it until it is pumped into the service reservoir or the distribution system. It usually holds from 1 to 3 days or more of the average daily demand to meet fluctuations. One day’s storage reservoir is better from sanitary point of view.

The stored water is then distributed to the different places of Katmandu valley up to Bashantapur, Kalimati, Maharajgang etc area.  



Since, due to various human activity as well as natural activities, the sources of water is polluted the pollution contain physical, chemical as well as biological agents.

Physical pollution includes the change in color odor and taste of water since natural water must be colorless, tasteless and odorless. While chemical pollution means change in various mineral and element concentration other than WHO list. And biological pollution means water polluted with fecal coliform as well as other pathogenic microorganisms which cause various types of life threatening disease in children as well as in adult and old person. These types of disease include cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, typhoid, giardiasis, amoebiasis, polio, etc. In different stage of water treatment, different test are perform in KUKL laboratory in Manhakalchour Treatment Plant. Some regularly performing tests in Manhakalchour laboratery are as follow:-

Microbiological Analysis of Water:-

Microbiological Parameters
Normal Level
Total coliform count

Faecal Coliform



                     Table. 1:- Microbiological analysis of water

Chemical analysis of Water:-

Chemical Parameters
Normal Level




Electrical conductivity

Total alkalinity
as CaCO­3

P.P.H. alkalinity
as CaCO­3

p H  4.5 Alkalinity
as CaCO­3

Total Hardness
as CaCO­3

Calcium Harness
as CaCO­3

Magnesium  Harness
as CaCO­3

as Ca+

as Mg+

Total Iron
as Fe

Total Ammonia
as N

as Cl

(Upto 250)
Arsenic Test
as As


Table .2 :- Chemical analysis of Water

Thus to remove such type of pollution water treatment is necessary to prevent the public health from water borne diseases. ­ According to WHO standard, the residual chlorine must meet the range of 0.2 – 0.5 ml per liter but our field visit in KUKL found that the final treated water does not have this value of residual chlorine. The total requirement of pure drinking water of Kathmandu for public consumer is about 8 crore liters but KUKL production is about able to fulfill just half of requirement. So in case of Kathmandu valley various types of disease are mainly related to unportable water due to consumption of polluted water.



4.1 CONCLUSION:                                                             

The main purpose of the visit was to observe the process used to Treatment of drinking water and other similar process required for our report. It is concluded that the KUKL is the backbone of Kathmandu in the field of water supply.

Water is very important substance for all living beings. So it should hygienic. 80% diseased caused in human being is the cause of drinking of impure water. So it is necessary to conscious about the water. Some private company also provides the water in valley which supports the KUKL.  


Some recommendation how the corporation can be effective are listed below:

·         Establishment of proper Critical Control Point criteria.

·         The waste generated by the plant is needs to be properly managed because it is directly put in Manohara river.

·         Quality should be checked on regular basis.

·         Public should be encouraged towards saving water.

·         Treatment plant should not use large amount of ground water.

·         Government should encourage the private company to fulfill the demand.


Ø  Pleczar J.M. , Chan E.C.S, Krieg R.N. (2007) “Microbiology” 5th edition, Tata MC Graw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 7 West Patelnagar, New Delhi 110008.

Ø  Singh M.L. (2009) “Understanding Research Methodology” National Book Centre, Bhotahity, Kathmandu.

Ø  Shrestha P.M. (2008) “Environmental Microbiology For B.Sc. 3rd year”

Ø  Leaflet provided by KUKL laboratory Mahankalchaur, Kathmandu.




Fig.2:Mr. Pal explaining about the treatment site

 Fig.3:Water Collection dam at Sundarijal     

 Fig 3: Sedimentation tank.                                                  

Fig.4: Chlorination system


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